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Kirk Session

The Kirk Session is the governing body of the congregation. It comprises all those who have been appointed as elders in the congregation- at present about 40.

 In 2009, we moved from what is known as the “Model Constitution” to the present “Unitary Constitution”. This means that we do not have a separate Congregational Board – all the oversight and administration of the church’s work is carried out by the Kirk Session.

The Kirk session does its work through 4 Working Groups and a Co-ordinators Group:

Stewardship & Finance Working Group


Convener: Yvonne Pearson
What they do:
  • Administer money,
  • plan and co-ordinate fundraising and stewardship campaigns,
  • maintain property,
  • implement health and safety, health and hygiene and fire regulations,
  • co-ordinate  hall lets.

Fellowship Working Group


Convener: Meg Anderson
What they do:
  • Administer safeguarding procedures,
  • plan social activities,
  • co-ordinate pastoral care,
  • liaise with group representatives (pastoral visiting groups, Guild, TOFM, Out and About, Man to Man, Digging Deeper), Roll Keeper and Flower convener,
  • support existing groups
  • explores setting up new ones.

Outreach Working Group

Convener: Sheila Silvestri
What they do:
  • Co-ordinate the church’s community involvement,
  • Line-manage Lhanbryde & Urquhart Community Worker.
  • Liaise with community representatives (Lhanbryde & Urquhart Community Worker, Thrift shop, Lhanbryde Community Challenge, Urquhart Parish Hall),
  • Foster ecumenical and interfaith relations,
  • Provide a link between presbytery (presbytery elder) and the congregation,
  • Support Christian Aid activity,
  • Provide a link to mission partners,
  • Communicate what happens in church

Worship Support Working Group

Convener: Grant Cumming
What they do:

Support the minister by undertaking a number of administrative tasks:

  • Organ rota,
  • reading rota,
  • welcomers rota,
  • preparing materials for worship,
  • administration of the copyright licence,
  • involvement as required in planning and organising of special services. In association with the AV group, operation of AV equipment during services.
  • The group can also function as a sounding – board for new ideas.

Co-ordinators group

Chair – the minister

What they do:

  • Co-ordinate work arising from Working Groups and set agenda for Kirk Session meetings,
  • deal with business not covered by Working Groups
  • staff appointments,
  • correspondence,
  • dates,
  • AOCB,
  • develop leadership and explore ways of making disciples,
  • review composition of working groups and identify new members.